Deadlock problem with upsert

  • Hello people, I am an SQL beginner and I have a problem with the upsert operation.

    I am not sure how relevant this is but to give some context, I am trying to write batches of messages from Azure EH to the MS SQL Server by using Azure Functions written in Python.

    I send about 500,000 messages to the EH and then start Function to send them from there to the table named orders on SQL Server.

    But the problem is that this operation takes too long (at least I think), it takes about an hour and a half to write all the records to the orders table.

    I don't think that the problem is with the configuration of the function itself because I am using a very similar function to accomplish upsert in the Postgres database and for the same number of messages it takes about 10 minutes. For Postgres I used ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE syntax.

    Also, when I look a little more closely at logs I noticed often this message: "Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

    Of course, transaction will be rerun by Function, and eventually, all messages will be written to the database but I think that a great number of deadlocks is the reason why performance is so bad.

    At first, I used MERGE statement for SQL Server upsert operation, and it performed badly so I read around that UPDATE/INSERT combo might perform better but right now that is not the case. They are pretty similar.

    I came across some very well-written articles about this subject and about the best patterns to use for upsert operation in SQL Server, for example, I read that @@ROWCOUNT can be used as a condition to skip insert or update part of the statement and to speed it up that way, but I can not use that because I am writing records to the table in batches.

    This is some general info:

    My orders table looks like this:

    column_name    data_type
    order_id bigint
    item_id int
    user_id bigint
    quantity int
    customer varchar

    order_id is primary key.

    This is how my UPDATE/INSERT statement looks:

    SET orders.item_id = src.item_id, orders.user_id = src.user_id, orders.quantity = src.quantity,
    orders.customer = src.customer
    FROM orders
    SELECT * FROM (VALUES (%(order_id)s, %(item_id)s, %(user_id)s, %(quantity)s, %(customer)s)) AS
    src(order_id, item_id, user_id, quantity, customer)
    ) AS src ON orders.order_id = src.order_id;

    INSERT INTO orders(order_id, item_id, user_id, quantity, customer)
    SELECT * FROM (VALUES (%(order_id)s, %(item_id)s, %(user_id)s, %(quantity)s, %(customer)s))
    AS src(order_id, item_id, user_id, quantity, customer)
    SELECT 1 FROM orders
    WHERE orders.order_id = src.order_id

    I would like to know if is there any way to improve this statement or if is there some alternative to it, for example, some pattern for MERGE that I missed or something else entirely?

    I am sorry if you see this question twice, I am posting again because for some reason it was removed first time, probably because I don't have enough points.

    Thanks much for any help!


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • It's difficult to know much based on the explanation.  The SQL code provided isn't valid SQL Server syntax (afaik) and appears to be embedded strings for which the parameters are replaced prior to execution.  Azure Function are similar to API endpoints, no?  What's the full data flow?  Generally, JSON data gets sent to an endpoint, there's some data conversions, and then one or more SQL statement is executed.  There are ways to do that without Python, without data conversions, and without multiple executions.  Basically, send the JSON to SQL as a stored procedure parameter

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