
  • GilaMonster (2/3/2016)

    So you meant to say it is better to create a Clustered index on that particular column?

    No. If I'd meant to say that, I'd have said that.

    If TrackID is unique, go put a unique constraint on it. And put a useful clustered index on the table while you're at it.

    Neither unique constraints nor clustered indexes can get include columns, and I said nothing about other nonclustered indexes. If you judge that other nonclustered indexes may be useful, then go ahead and add them with whatever columns you judge to be useful.

    Thanks a lot Gail. I tried Unique constraint and also tried with NC index, both were giving same execution plan. I have attached the IO & CPU usage of queries when using both solutions. Can you please have a look and suggest which is better?

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