DDLs differ in publisher and subscriber databases

  • I have a peculiar situation.

    We have a replication setup for a database as transactional non-updateable on SQL Server 2005. Th replication is running fine (atleast seems to be). Recently I noticed while comparing the DDLs of the two databases, that while in the publisher database the names of the objects other than the tables, namely the views, the functions and the stored procedures are enclosed in box brackets(example, [dbo].[vwName]), in the subscriber database, the names are enclosed in double quotes (example, "dbo"."vwName").

    When I manually generated a script from the publisher database and applied it on the subscriber database, the two became the same.

    Please help me resolving this difference. Thanks in advance.

    Chandrachurh Ghosh
    DBA – MS SQL Server
    Ericsson India Global Services Limited
    Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

  • waiting for help.....not yet resolved......has anyone done replication and then a SQL compare.....what do you guys get?

    Is there any database property I need to set or put off?

    Chandrachurh Ghosh
    DBA – MS SQL Server
    Ericsson India Global Services Limited
    Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

  • Help...Help....Help....

    Chandrachurh Ghosh
    DBA – MS SQL Server
    Ericsson India Global Services Limited
    Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

  • Functionally this doesn't matter - both double quotes and brackets are valid delimiters for database objects when the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option is ON. See BOL:


    I'm guessing the behavior is due to how your comparison application is making its connection and scripting the table. What happens when you use Management Studio to script the table at the subscriber that your comparison app indicates has quotes for delimiters?

    Kendal Van Dyke


    Kendal Van Dyke

  • i have scripted one of the objects from the publisher and the same was generated with box brackets. I applied the same on the subscriber database directly. Now the two objects are being shown identical......please help to resolve.....as the schema comparing is of no use otherwise....

    Chandrachurh Ghosh
    DBA – MS SQL Server
    Ericsson India Global Services Limited
    Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

  • What schema comparison tool are you using?

    Kendal Van Dyke

  • Also, what are the values for QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set to at the DB, Server, and connection level for the two servers that you're trying to compare? My guess is that some combination of QUOTED_IDENTIFIER setting and the comparison tool you're using is producing the behavior that you're seeing.

    We know what happens if you connect to the publisher and script the table. What happens if you use SSMS to connect to the subscriber and script out one of the tables has quotes as delimiters?


    Kendal Van Dyke

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