[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

  • Hello!

    We have old sql-server 2000 and 4 IIS servers. Those 4 are on 2 load balancing cluster hosting IIS6 web sites (about 30 them, couple bigger ones).

    Couple of times per day I see many of these on our error log these:

    [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    Allmost every servicece/application on IIS at the same time on every server on the same cluster reports these. The error keeps on about 5 - 30 seconds and fades away after then. I'am used to see these error at night time when our backup are taken. But these keep showing up randomly.

    How could I track what is causing this and how to correct it?

    Yes, I have opend extra ports for IIS servers, by this document:


    This was earlier our problem too few ports to use..

    What to do? how to track? and correct?

  • Is SQL Server getting rebootedd at that time?


  • No it's not rebooted. Other 2 IIS are not reporting errors at the same time. And sql reboot withim 5-30 seconds? nop.

    It seems like iis and sql are getting lot of work to do and then sql stops reponding. Or IIS locks it out or something. But how to resolve this? These happen so quicly that I could not get on it. Just error messages on our email based error log are telling that something happend.

  • Anything SQL Server error logs. Is there sufficient memory.

    Any network issues that you know of?

    "Keep Trying"

  • At the same time there are all so TimeOut erros on IIS logs. But erros are coming from different sources, different databases and applications...

    Nothing on SQL-server log at the sametime.

  • You will hv to check locking/blocking.

    "Keep Trying"

  • how to figure out what is loacking and blocking? We used to have some nasty locks, but eror messages from those were prety simple and focuced allways on single application or single database.

    How to start resolving what is happening?

  • To check locks you will have to use Profiler and start a trace.

    Another way is using the DBCC TRACEON command. This will put block information in SQL Server logs.

    Check out this site for more information on these.

    "Keep Trying"

  • I'm having a similar problem. We've migrated all our applications from SQL 2000 to 2005. One of my ASP apps is now getting this error.

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error 80004005

    [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    We've ensure remote connections are on and named pipes and tcp/ip are both enabled. Would there be anything in the IIS event log that might tell me what account is being denied access? I have several other .NET apps running so I know both IIS and SQL are running correctly.

  • IIS hax maximum TCP/IP ports definition on registry. If yout application uses many connections the 4000 limit may exeed. It can be raised from registry to 8000 or 16 000...

    This help us... Another source of those erros is taht SQL server is overloaded and can't response to reguest...

  • Hi all,

    I have a similar issue .

    We recently migrated our sql 2005 to sql 2005 due to hardware upgradation.

    after migration, I am receiving the following errors for some jobs that run during nights.

    All these failed jobs run some VBScript.

    Error string: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    But if I rerun the same job again and again , it starts working..

    I have no clue of how to figure out this problem..... can some one help me on this.

    Does this have something to do with sql server settings....

    or what options do I need to check after installing a new sql server.

    Thanks in advance

  • same question...

    any answers??



    Sushant Kumar

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