dbcc tracestatus(-1) - Not Working

  • I've set the trace 1204 on a SQL Server 2000 SP3a server.  I know it is active because I have deadlocks being written to the SQL Server Log.

    When I execute dbcc tracestatus(-1).  I get the message

    Trace option(s) not enabled for this connection. Use 'DBCC TRACEON()'.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    So execute dbcc traceon(1204) and then dbcc tracestatus(-1) and it lists 1204 as being active.  When I exit query analyzer and start it up again and execute dbcc tracestatus(-1) it gives the same not found message.


    Is this a bug?  Is anyone else having the same problem?




    David Bird

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I found the answer I needed.


    The traceon command needed the value -1 added to it

    To set trace

    dbcc traceon (1204, 3605, -1)

    To query trace through another connection

    dbcc tracestatus(-1)




    David Bird

  • Hi David,


    I am having the same problem and noticed your post.

    When u use dbcc traceon (1204,3605,-1),

    what is the 3605??? just another traceflag ?? does the -1 set it permanently for other connections?



  • 3605 Sends trace output to error log. 

    For all trace values see  http://www.extremeexperts.com/SQL/Articles/DBCCTraceFlags.aspx


    The trace seems to be permanent until the instance is stopped/started.

    To keep it permanently, these trace flags need to be added to the Instance Start up parameters.





    David Bird

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