• Comments posted to this topic are about the item DBCC

  • Now that is really interesting
    nice question to end the week on, thanks, Steve

    Space, the final frontier? not any more...
    All limits henceforth are self-imposed.
    โ€œlibera tute vulgaris exโ€

  • Yep, I was 100% sure on this one - after all. I've always known what it stood for .

    And .. I .. was .. 100% wrong! :ermm:

    Thanks, Steve

  • GDownie - Friday, August 24, 2018 1:24 AM

    Yep, I was 100% sure on this one - after all. I've always known what it stood for .

    And .. I .. was .. 100% wrong! :ermm:

    Thanks, Steve

    Me too! :hehe:

  • Deceived By Charming Coincidence.

  • GDownie - Friday, August 24, 2018 1:24 AM

    Yep, I was 100% sure on this one - after all. I've always known what it stood for .

    And .. I .. was .. 100% wrong! :ermm:

    Thanks, Steve

    I was originally taught it was Consistency Checker... more recently I've seen Console Command, which immediately made more sense to me.
    Still, I nearly answered Consistency before changing my mind ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Michael Lysons - Friday, August 24, 2018 1:29 AM

    GDownie - Friday, August 24, 2018 1:24 AM

    Yep, I was 100% sure on this one - after all. I've always known what it stood for .

    And .. I .. was .. 100% wrong! :ermm:

    Thanks, Steve

    Me too! :hehe:

    Lol +1 :doze:


  • GDownie - Friday, August 24, 2018 1:24 AM

    Yep, I was 100% sure on this one - after all. I've always known what it stood for .

    And .. I .. was .. 100% wrong! :ermm:

    Thanks, Steve

    Me too! As soon as I saw that I was wrong, I remembered DBCC OPENTRAN which is not about DB consistency checks lol.

    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"
    Ref.: http://tkyte.blogspot.com/2009/02/sql-joke.html

  • Interesting, yes.  If you had asked what DBCC originally stood for, the answer would be different from what it stands for now. 

    Check this out:

    Even on this site it was once referred to as Consistency Checker.  I took Sybase internals classes many years ago, System 10 and System 11.  Also worked with MS SQL Server since it was released on OS/2.  So I was pretty sure of my answer but I am more of a database developer now than a DBA, so I hadn't had much opportunity (nor permissions) to use it anymore and was not aware of the re-definition.

  • GDownie - Friday, August 24, 2018 1:24 AM

    Yep, I was 100% sure on this one - after all. I've always known what it stood for .

    And .. I .. was .. 100% wrong! :ermm:

    Thanks, Steve

    same ๐Ÿ™‚

    The more you know, the more you know that you dont know

  • welp...i learned something.

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