DB maintenance Plan failure Error : [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 1934

  • I have A DB maintenance plan which is scheduled, till now it was working fine now the Job is failing thowing the error

    [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 1934: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT'

    This Failure is due to the Computed column existing in the MSDB Database,

    The failure is on Update statistics and Index Rebuild.

    i have gone through the


    Will it rectified by restart the server.

    Since it is Production server changes would be complicated.

    Please provide solution.



  • Wow, no body replied to you...

    I had this problem and i used this solution:

    my maintenance plan created a job with this step:

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID blablabla -To "a.siroos" -Rpt "F:\DailyMajorDbs0.txt" -DelTxtRpt 1WEEKS -WriteHistory -RebldIdx 10 -RmUnusedSpace 50 10 '

    Then I add another attribute(-SupportComputedColumn) like this:

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID blablabla -To "a.siroos" -Rpt "F:\DailyMajorDbs0.txt" -DelTxtRpt 1WEEKS -WriteHistory -RebldIdx 10 -RmUnusedSpace 50 10 -SupportComputedColumn'

    This will work:D

    *note: if you open your maintenance plan and save it after changing the step , it will reset the code , so error Will occur again.

    So steps are :

    1- create and manage your maintenance plan

    2- change the steps

    2-1 - add the attribute :-SupportComputedColumn

    3- do not change your maintenance plan , or if changed redo 2 and 2-1



    Best Regards,

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