Datum Count - Count of records in Column wise for Null and Actual data

  • Hi All,

    I need to know how to write a sttore procedure to find out the COUNT of records having actual value and records with NULL for n Columns of a table.

    Looping through the Coulms for certian criteria

    finding the COUNT for

    1 - Number of records with actual data

    2 - Number of records with NULL

    I need to generate a report for all the columns

    Column1 | Count Of NULL | Count of Actual record

    Coulmn2 |








  • Count( * ) gives the number of records in the table

    Count ( columnName ) gives you the count of rows with values in that column

    the number of null values is then Count(*) - Count(ColumnName)

    My suggestion:

    NOTE: This is not 2k8 specific but the general idea works

    As much as I hate suggesting dynamic SQL :w00t:

    Create a Dynamic sql query that iterates through the columns of the table to giv you the count

    Declare @ColName varchar(128)

    , @SQL nVarchar( 1000)

    , @TotalRows int

    If ( select id = object_id( 'Tempdb..#ResultTab' ) ) is not null

    Drop table #ResultTab

    Create Table #ResultTab (

    ColName varchar(128)

    , NonNullValue int

    , NullValue int


    Select @ColName = min( name) from sys.Columns where object_id = object_id( 'tSite' )

    while @ColName is not null


    Select @SQL =

    'Insert into #ResultTab

    Select ''@ColName''

    , Count( [@Colname] )


    From Tablename'

    Select @SQL = replace( @Sql, '@ColName', @ColName )

    Exec sp_ExecuteSQL @SQL

    Select @ColName = min( name) from sys.Columns where object_id = object_id( 'tablename' ) And Name > @ColName


    Select @Totalrows = Count(*)

    From tablename

    Update #ResultTab

    Set NullValue = @TotalRows - NonNullvalue

    Select * From #ResultTab

    Hope this helps

  • maybe the better way is to use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views, but you'll get the idea using :

    declare @Tabelname varchar(128)

    set @Tabelname = 'T' -- Adjust to filter !!

    -- print 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted '

    -- print 'go'

    set nocount on

    declare @Tbname varchar(128)

    declare c1 cursor for

    select O.name

    from sysobjects o

    inner join

    syscolumns c

    on o.id = c.id

    where o.xtype = 'u'

    and o.name like @Tabelname + '%'

    -- and c.name like 'id%' -- Adjust if needed

    group by o.name

    order by 1

    for read only

    open c1


    INTO @TbName



    print ' print ''-- Counting for ' + db_name() + '..' + @TbName + ''''

    print ' Select count(*) as Number_Rows '

    select ' , count (distinct [' + c.name + ']) as [Distinct_' + c.name + ']'

    + ' , sum (case when [' + c.name + '] is null then 1 else 0 end ) as [NULLCount_' + c.name + ']'

    from sysobjects o

    inner join

    syscolumns c

    on o.id = c.id

    where o.type = 'u'

    and o.name = @TbName

    -- and upper(c.name) like 'ID%'

    order by c.colid

    print ' from ' + db_name() + '..' + @TbName + ' (NOLOCK) '

    + char(13) + '-- OPTION (MAXDOP 1 ) '

    + char(13) + 'GO '


    INTO @TbName


    -- Cursor afsluiten

    CLOSE c1

    DEALLOCATE c1[/i]


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  • See http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=89941

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