datetime 0.33 ms rounded problem

  • Hi,

    According to BOL the datetime field would round to 0.33 ms, but we want to store exact and accurate millisecond using datetime field such that 0.001 s and 0.002 s would not round to 0.000 s, as this rounding would cause us trouble and inconvenince for datetime comparison and calculation when communicating with other programming language(e.g. C++/Java/.Net). Is there any other alternative to solve such kind of problem? Thanks a lot.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Wallace,

    I can't find where BOL says that it will round to 0.33ms, but if I understand your situation correctly, 0.33ms rounding is no problem for you.

    You want accuracy within 0.001 seconds, what I presume happens is that 0.00133sec ROUNDS to 0.001s and that 0.00177s would ROUND to 0.002s.

    This gives you an accuracy of 1ms or 0.001s

    Remember that 0.33 ms = 0.00033 s:

    Hope I understood you.

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