Date time time zone conversion built in function

  • I have legacy databases that stores all data in U.S. Central Standard Time.   Some servers are on CST and others are on UTC.  Built-in function getdate() gets date in the server time, while getutcdate() gets date in UTC.  I need a function that will always return date in CST irrespective of the server time.

    I see two options:

    1. replace every call to getdate() and getutcdate() to switchoffset(sysutcdatetime(),'-06:00') to make every datetime CST.
    2. Create a UDF (i.e., fn_getcstdate) and have it return switchoffset(sysutcdatetime(),'-06:00')

    The problem with the straight replacement with "switchoffset(sysutcdatetime(),'-06:00')" are that a) it's very verbose, and b) odds are that developers will never remember to use it.

    The main problem with the UDF is performance.  There is also the problem that the function must exist in every database.  Calling the function dbo.fn_getcstdatetime() will never be the same as calling the straight replacement.  A minor problem is having to prefix the calling to the UDF with "dbo.".

    I also know that if I had SQL Server 2016 or later, I could create a native-compile scalar-valued UDF which would probably improve performance when compared with standard UDF.  But that's not happening anytime soon.

    Now my question: is there a way to create my own custom built-in function? I know I shouldn't add anything to the master database, but I'm willing to live with that if I can create my own custom built-in function.  My custom built-in function will only use other built-in functions and have no input parameter.

  • I'd use a function.  You don't have to put in every db, you can call a function from another db.  Let's say you created a "Shared_Functions" db to store the function.  Then:

    USE Shared_Functions;
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_getcstdate (
    /*end of function*/
    USE tempdb;
    SELECT *
    FROM Shared_Functions.dbo.fn_getcstdate()

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • Do you need to account for DST? Because the SWITCHOFFSET function wants your parameter to be DST adjusted when you pass it in.

  • Thanks for the reply.  No, I don't need DST.  Dates in databases are always in CST, so I need to make sure to convert the computer time to CST and never use getdate().

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