Date format conversion

  • Hello,

    i am trying to convert a string like this 'le dd/mm/yyyy' into a datetime.

    I have removed the 'le ' part and used covert(datetime, 'dd/mm/yyyy',103) to convert into datetime. This works for example for 'le 22/11/1799' but for 'le 09/11/1716' it does not work.

    select convert(datetime,RIGHT('le 22/11/1799', LEN('le 22/11/1799') - 3), 103) -> it works

    select convert(datetime,RIGHT('le 09/11/1716', LEN('le 09/11/1716') - 3), 103) -> it does not work

    Could there be an issue with the year?

    Thank so much for any help or ideas!

  • Datetime only goes back to 1753 (which is for most business far enough in the past :-D).

    Try using the datetime2 data type (that one goes back to the year 0).

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  • What Koen said.

    Yesterday I was wondering why we had some call data with a 1753 date on it. I thought it was our problem until I looked up that.

    Edited to make sense!

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  • Thanks so much for your answers! It worked great!

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