date comparison in sql 2000

  • Hi everyone,

    My date string passed from to store procedure is format like this mm/dd/yyyy(i.e. 10/3/2006)

    while my date format in database is 2006-10-3(yyyy-mm-dd).

    What should I do in store procedure to convert the date format from mm/dd/yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd in order to compare the date string and  query what I want.


    Thank you.

  • Do I have to do something like this:

    Declare @sDate Char(10)

    select @sDate=Str(Year('9/13/2005'), Len(Year('9/13/2005'))) +'-' + Str(month('9/13/2005'), Len(month('9/13/2005')))+'-'+Str(day('9/13/2005'), Len(day('9/13/2005')))

    select @sDate

    Is there any easier way?



  • Are you getting an error?  The conversion should be implicit.  You could always try REPLACE( CONVERT( varchar, GETDATE(), 102), CHAR(46), CHAR(45))

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Thanks everyone. I think I can use:

     select convert(char(10),txndate, 101) to let it become mm/dd/yyyy



  • Farrell,

    I didn't get any error.


  • If you use a dateandtime var and a datetime column, use a parameterized query in combination with a datetime parameterobject.

    e.g. vbs:

    ' Handle commandobject

    set CmdObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    CmdObj.ActiveConnection = ConnObj

    CmdObj.CommandText = "select mycol1 from mytable where mydatetimecol = ? "

    CmdObj.CommandType = 1 'adCmdText


    set MyParamObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Parameter")

    MyParamObj.Name = "@test"

    MyParamObj.Type = 135 'adDBTimeStamp

    MyParamObj.Direction = 1 'adParamInput

    MyParamObj.Value = yourdateandtimevariable

    CmdObj.Parameters.Append MyParamObj



    Hey, nomore format-problems


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