Datawarehouse advice

  • I've got execs breathing down my neck for "BI BI BI" and how we should use this tool or that tool.

    I KNOW that my data is not ready for any of those decisions yet. I'm trying to find a way to build a quick data mart with the things I'll need to put together some decent reports, but I'm clueless as to how to get started.

    I'm pulling my data from the transaction db using SSIS on a daily basis, but I'd really like to be able to display it on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. I can't get a well defined answer to how I do that or if it should put in the information in the ssis job to different tables, or create views on the main table for month/qtr/year etc.

    I'm about 5 pages into "The Datawarehouse Lifecycle Toolkit" by Kimball, but I'd like to have something to play around with while I'm reading. Went to a MicroStrategy seminar yesterday and they have some cool stuff, but I know that my data isn't ready for that.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  • Pragmatic works have some free webinars at the moment - - you may find them useful.

  • that's exactly what Iw as looking for, thanks so much!

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