Datatypes in the Flat File Source

  • Can anyone please tell me, what datatype should I be using in the Flat File Source, if I have:

    Char in my text file = ????

    Varchar in my text file = ????

    Thank you.

  • Char in my text file = string [DT_STR] or Unicode string [DT_WSTR]

    Varchar in my text = string [DT_STR] or Unicode string [DT_WSTR]

  • Thank you for your prompt reply.

    I have around 22 columns in my flat file and there are two datefields, for which I have used DB_Date.

    All others are char and one is varchar.

    I have set everything right, but still I am not getting the data in line.

    Can anyone please suggest me if you can think of changes that can be of help to me.

    The flat file that I am using is having spaces in between to seperate columns from each other.

  • I tend to let SSIS pick the formats for me as it is usually quite accurate.

    When there are problems with the data from flat files is quite often comes down to the delimmeter and the Line Feed, open your file in NotePad or a Hex editor to check if there are no rouge characters in your file that may be interferring with the Delimmiter..

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