
  • I have an request to publish some xml for a webdeveloper to use to display data from my amazon hosted sql server.

    I can create a view so the xml comes out as I want.

    How do I actually go about having that publsihged so external developers can read it? Sorry If this is a really dumb question! Will it be live data.

    Any poiinters in teh right deirection would be greatfully received.


  • You can output xml from SQL Server, however, I wouldn't say that it's my preferred method. Your best option, in all honesty, would be to ask your web developer to use outputted datasets from either a Stored Procedure, or Parametrised SQL.

    If you have to go down the xml route, you can use FOR XML PATH. Without specifics, there's not a lot I can give you. Have a look at the options you have, and try things. If you get stuck, post back with specifics.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:15 AM

    You can output xml from SQL Server, however, I wouldn't say that it's my preferred method. Your best option, in all honesty, would be to ask your web developer to use outputted datasets from either a Stored Procedure, or Parametrised SQL.

    If you have to go down the xml route, you can use FOR XML PATH. Without specifics, there's not a lot I can give you. Have a look at the options you have, and try things. If you get stuck, post back with specifics.

    Thanks Thom

    They just want essentially to list whats in the tables - like a directory, of organisations and names, so the data isnt complicated at all, nor are they doing anything to fancy with it either. I have been asked to do XML, not quite sure why?

    BUt yes I can use FOR XML PATH - and get teh xml in a view. How to I get that to the developer so they can read the XML?


  • Adam Sandler - Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:24 AM

    They just want essentially to list whats in the tables - like a directory, of organisations and names, so the data isnt complicated at all, nor are they doing anything to fancy with it either. I have been asked to do XML, not quite sure why?

    BUt yes I can use FOR XML PATH - and get teh xml in a view. How to I get that to the developer so they can read the XML?

    Perhaps you should ask why. Providing data back in datasets is what SQL Server does, and web applications can interact with this easily.

    And I'm not sure what your asking here, in all honestly. It's a very open ended question. It depends on the web application and server. PHP interacts differently to .Net. PHP 5 and PHP 7 have different functions entirely as well (SQL Server isn't natively supported in PHP 7). Your web server might be running Linux, where as your SQL Server is on Windows. You'll need to discuss with your web developer how you want to interact with your data and build a solution together; the web developer doing the web side, and you doing the SQL Server side.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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