Database Stuck Recovering

  • Ok, Just try a RESTORE with REPLACE like this:

    RESTORE DATABASE [your database name] from disk = 'Backup file name and path'


  • Get the same message as before...tells me the database is in use.

    The Redneck DBA

  • I have the same problem today and I don't have a backup from this database...

    My problem started after I was recovering another database and sql server had stucked then I reboot the server and when sql server was rebooted I had 3 database stucked ub recovery, one of then was the database that I was recovering and the other 2 wasn't even in use

  • My problem went away when I bounces the SQLSERVER service. But sounds like you already have. Might give it awhile. If it is a big DB or you had a bunch of transactions to roll forward/back it may take awhile.

    The Redneck DBA

  • we have one DB that takes almost 40 minutes to recover after a reboot. it's around 600GB and the schema isn't exactly by the book

  • Perry Whittle (7/23/2008)

    sorry my bad!!

    restore database DBNAME with recovery

    This worked for me...thanks.

  • Sometimes it is impossible to change database status, because it is corrupted.

    Just make sure you don't have space issue and then re-run your job again - the new Restore on a top of "restoring" database works just fine.

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