Database setting for time zones?

  • We host multiple web servers at my company, all running SQL 2005 (SP1 or SP2, depending on the Windows setting for automatic updates). On the same server, we could host a database for a client in California, Ohio, and Florida (3 different time zones). When we file the date into these databases, it all translates to EST. We want to see California save as PST, Florida as EST, etc.

    I haven't found a way to do this inside SQL Server. The easy answer is to make the application code handle it but I was wondering if anyone else came across this problem and had a good solution. It looks like SQL 2008 provides a date function with offsets, but that's not available yet (of course).

    Thanks in advance for the help.

  • Unfortunately, there is not a databse level timezone setting. I have come across this issue before with one or two clients. As we consolidate many servers recently, it is becoming a bigger issue.

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