Database Restore Bingo

  • We are getting a warning on a successful server restore:

    Warning: Wordbreaker, filter, or protocol handler used by catalog 'ftMYDB' does not exist on this instance. Use sp_help_fulltext_catalog_components and sp_help_fulltext_system_components check for mismatching components. Rebuild catalog is recommended.

    When I run

    sp_help_fulltext_system_components @component_type = 'filter' I get several rows with missing data.


  • The resolution was to drop and rebuild the Full-Text index. The database had been moved and then restored periodically. The Full-Text index probably broke at that point and just got consistently worse. The database continued to grow and no one noticed the issue the only real line that indicated that there was an issue was a warning on restore that only showed up when restoring by script. Hence the database hits a breaking point, possibly size, and it can no longer be restored in some environments. It would restore on any server OS and would not restore on any pc OS.

  • It may be like a learning when dealing with Full Text Index databases. Still little confusing as it should show error when the Full Text catelog is lost/broken. The search should fail or will take very longer time. Need to do little more R&D when I get time.

  • Last two options sort-off tell the sollution i found working. Every backup i made failed with error:

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '87(The parameter is incorrect.)' while attempting 'SetFilePointer' on '(null)'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    Dropping the full text indexes, creating the backup, restoring the database and then recreating the index on the new database worked for me. Dropping the indexes on a production db might be a problem. I did not try just a rebuild of the indexes and then backup.

  • Note: (almost) three year old post

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