Database Mail

  • hello

    I have setup Database mail on my SQL Server 2012.

    I have been successful in generating daily reports and then compiling all the reports into a zip file on a daily schedule.

    I have tested a procedure to automatically attach the file to a email message and mail it out.

    However the zip file is not created everyday. (the file is only created when we are batching product)

    I am looking for a way to check the file exists before I attach it to the email message.

    Thank you

    DECLARE @isExists INT

    exec master.dbo.xp_fileexist 'E:\ZipBatches\',

    @isExists OUTPUT

    SELECT case @isExists

    when 1 then 'yes'

    else 'No'

    end as isExists

    USE msdb

    EXEC sp_send_dbmail



    @subject='Test Attachment',

    @body='An attachement has been included in this email.',


  • Is this what you're up to?

    DECLARE @isExists INT

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist 'E:\ZipBatches\', @isExists OUTPUT

    IF @isExists = 1


    USE msdb

    EXEC sp_send_dbmail



    @subject='Test Attachment',

    @body='An attachement has been included in this email.',





    SELECT 'What do you want to have in case there is no file?'


  • Thanks

    I found some code that I modified and it is working well

    DECLARE @isExists INT

    exec master.dbo.xp_fileexist 'E:\ZipBatches\',

    @isExists OUTPUT

    SELECT case @isExists

    when 1 then 'yes'

    else 'No'

    end as isExists

    IF @isExists = 1


    USE msdb

    EXEC sp_send_dbmail



    @subject='Batch Reports for Yesterday',

    @body='This is an auto generated mail message, Please DO NOT Reply

    Batch Reports are included in this email as a Zip File.',



    IF @isExists = 0


    USE msdb

    EXEC sp_send_dbmail



    @subject='NO Batch Reports yesterday',

    @body='This is an auto generated mail message, Please DO NOT Reply

    NO Batch Reports are available for yesterday.'


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