Database Engine Tuning Advisor - Error

  • I am trying to run the Database engine tuning advisor but when I try and run it I get an error that it has stopped responding.

    I have noticed that I have an occurance of DTASHELL.EXE running for each of the failures.

    Is it possible to terminate those processes and try again? I now have 3 of them running.



  • bob.lawson (9/5/2012)

    I am trying to run the Database engine tuning advisor but when I try and run it I get an error that it has stopped responding.

    I have noticed that I have an occurance of DTASHELL.EXE running for each of the failures.

    Is it possible to terminate those processes and try again? I now have 3 of them running.

    I expect that you've already killed those processes but if you run it again you might want to check the target SQL Server and the DTASHELL.EXE process to see if they are busy doing something. I presume that you're investigating a performance issue so there's a good chance that the utility is stuck on a query. If I remember correctly, DTA needs to actually run the queries to get the execution plan and compare it to the actual performance of the queries. Bad queries could make this take a while.

    [font="Tahoma"]Bryant E. Byrd, BSSE MCDBA MCAD[/font]
    Business Intelligence Administrator
    MSBI Administration Blog

  • The issue seems to be around two clustered indexes I created yesterday. I ran it yesterday and the top result was to create clustered indexes for two of the tables. I ran it today telling it to ignore the clustered indexes and it is running again.

    Killing the processes DTASHELL.EXE seems to not have had a negative effect.

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