Data recovery help

  • Hello, I am in a bind and I need some help...please?

    I have a SQL2K5 database that had all the data deleted from a specific table. I have a full backup of the database which was taken a few hours before the data loss event. I was able to restore most of the data from the backup, however I still need to restore the data from the time of the event up until the time I discovered the data loss.

    My ISP sent me the ldf file. Is there a way I could extract the missing data from this file?

    Thanks in advance.

    Bob Szymanski
    Blue Mule Software

  • Bob,

    The problem is that you need to restore the log, but only up to before the delete occurred.

    I would have restored the full to another database and copied the data across if possible. Otherwise you need to restore up to a point in time and hopefully you know when that was.

    alternatively, purchase one of the log reader products (Lumigent, ApexSQL, Red Gate) and point it at the log backups. You should be able to dog out the transactions. Not sure if the LDF can help here.

  • Ok, thanks. I was able to extract some of the missing transactions via the LDF using the APEX demo tool. (The Red Gate tool worked only with SS2k not SS2k5. The Lumigent demo only worked with the Adventureworks and Northwind databases.)

    I'm hoping our ISP has a TRN file as the LDF file was truncated and with it went the remaining missing transactions. However, I'm not very optimistic since they said they use a Simple Recovery Model and I'm guessing that doesn't involve the creation of .TRN files on a periodic basis.

    Thanks for your help.

    Bob Szymanski
    Blue Mule Software

  • Bob,

    If this happens again , take Steve's advice and restore the database backup to a new database and export the data that was deleted back to the original database.



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