Data Mining Part 31: DMX functions

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Data Mining Part 31: DMX functions

  • Thanks for the great article.

    Here is a question unrelated to the article, but related to the topic.

    Why would someone use SSAS as opposed to R and Python?

    I ask because I work with a lot of fans of R. Others I know who work in data analysis, especially in startups and so forth are using Python. I know very few who are actually leverage SSAS Data Mining for any analysis unless they are specifically a Microsoft BI professional who consults for the purpose of setting up Microsoft BI stacks and so forth. This does not include those using SSAS for OLAP Cubes, which a lot more people use SSAS for that purpose. I view Data Mining separate.

    I personally have done some cool things in SSAS that you have covered. It's not too hard to start doing forecasting and so forth. It seems to have a lot of popular models. But, I'm not a data scientist either. So, I don't see the pros and cons of why I shouldn't leverage SSAS over R or Python when my data is already living in SQL Server?

    Any insight is much appreciated in your experience.

  • It is hard to say. It is like Facebook. There are other better social media apps, but Facebook is the most popular. It is not a feature problem. It is a marketing matter. It requires more publicity.

    SSAS and Data Mining are great tools, it has thousands of customers, but not millions of customers like other tools.

  • Another great chapter in the series.

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