Data Driven Subscriptions Updated

  • Hi there,

    I'm used your solusion and it's worked great. But now I have error message:

    Procedure sp_verify_job_identifiers

    The specified @job_name ('B0B26990-953D-362802DC6150') does not exist

    I have data in table dbo.Schedule (with scheduleId 'B0B26990-953D-362802DC6150') and dbo.Subscriptions.

    Please help me if you can.

  • I could only suggest that you re-create the initial subscription by hand and schedule it for the past. Then just update the query to use the newly created Subscription and ScheduleID.

    [font="Tahoma"]Zycon - The Search Engine for Manufacturers[/url]. Helping Engineers and Technical Buyers Locate Aluminum Extrusions, Metal Stampers, Plastic Fabricators, Valves, and More.[/font]

  • I alredy know what was a problem. I didnt have enough priviliges. Thank you for answer.

  • Yep, privileges would definitely cause a problem too, lol. Glad you were able to fix the problem!

    [font="Tahoma"]Zycon - The Search Engine for Manufacturers[/url]. Helping Engineers and Technical Buyers Locate Aluminum Extrusions, Metal Stampers, Plastic Fabricators, Valves, and More.[/font]

  • I have new problem. I execute my reports with parameters (StartTime, EndTime(DateTime)). I Specify the EndTime parameter value to 2009-05-21 23:59:59.997 but in subscription i have 2009-05-21 23:59:00. It's problem for me becouse i have some data with EndTime 23:59:57. What should i do ? I take my dates from function.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[get_yesterday_end] (@today DATETIME) RETURNS DATETIME



    RETURN DATEADD(ms, -3, DATEDIFF(d,0,@today))


    DECLARE @getdate-2 datetime

    SET @getdate-2 = Getdate()

    SELECT dbo.get_yesterday_end(@getDate)

  • You could change the query to say something along the lines of:

    EndDate < DATEADD(d,1,@enddate).

    [font="Tahoma"]Zycon - The Search Engine for Manufacturers[/url]. Helping Engineers and Technical Buyers Locate Aluminum Extrusions, Metal Stampers, Plastic Fabricators, Valves, and More.[/font]

  • Actually, nevermind that last post. Assuming you want the date range to be from one day to the next (without regards to any time constraints), you may be better off trying something like:

    enddate < DATEADD(d, 1, CAST(CONVERT(varchar(10), @endDate, 101) AS datetime))

    [font="Tahoma"]Zycon - The Search Engine for Manufacturers[/url]. Helping Engineers and Technical Buyers Locate Aluminum Extrusions, Metal Stampers, Plastic Fabricators, Valves, and More.[/font]

  • Basically it works quite good .... with one paramter.

    Now I'd like to schedule a report with 4 parameters. 3 of them have a standard value, the forth one has to be set manually.

    Does anyone know what I can do ?

    Thanks in advance and best regards


  • Refer to the article at to use more than one parameter.

    [font="Tahoma"]Zycon - The Search Engine for Manufacturers[/url]. Helping Engineers and Technical Buyers Locate Aluminum Extrusions, Metal Stampers, Plastic Fabricators, Valves, and More.[/font]

  • We had the original sproc running.

    Updated to the new sproc, installed history table, but the job doesn't complete. Is listed in history table with status incomplete, following message in jobs log:


    [162] Internal request (from SetJobNextRunDate [reason: schedule will not run again]) to deactivate schedule 115

    Job is scheduled as 1 time, run dates in the past.

    Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • bill2059 (5/12/2008)

    I am running the Data Driven Subscription in a Cursor - for sending out unique instances of the report to individual locations. The problem I am running into is that I have to hard code in

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

    Before the next fetch or it returns the default results (does not pass the new set of parameters).

    Any thoughts on a delay solution that is not so arbitrary? I will eventually have a couple of hundred instances going out and if this "reset time" is variable I will have to make it a really long interval if there is no standard.



    Can you post a sample running the dd subscription with a cursor?

    We're trying to do the same thing, but so far not having any luck - thanks!

  • Hello,

    I wrote something similar as your procedure and ran into the same problem you were having with the username and password encryption for the createSubscription procedure.

    Has anyone figured out a way around this? I tried following the one guy's link that said he had it, but I couldn't connect to his page.


  • Are you using the code from

    [font="Tahoma"]Zycon - The Search Engine for Manufacturers[/url]. Helping Engineers and Technical Buyers Locate Aluminum Extrusions, Metal Stampers, Plastic Fabricators, Valves, and More.[/font]

  • Are you referring to the following:

    This is the one that I cannot open. I imagine its just the one I need, so I was hoping someone could give me a clue or another place to look for the same info.

    The other two links did not seem to have what I needed.


  • Randy-574768 (11/2/2009)

    Are you referring to the following:

    This is the one that I cannot open. I imagine its just the one I need, so I was hoping someone could give me a clue or another place to look for the same info.

    The other two links did not seem to have what I needed.

    That website opens fine over here. There are two links on that website that also open fine. I am using Firefox 3.0.15. Are you getting some kind of error?

    [font="Tahoma"]Zycon - The Search Engine for Manufacturers[/url]. Helping Engineers and Technical Buyers Locate Aluminum Extrusions, Metal Stampers, Plastic Fabricators, Valves, and More.[/font]

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