Cursor issue, @@fetch_Status turned out as -2

  • I want to execute a SP in all databases, I have 40 Dbs on a server,

    Cursor executes, sometimes for 6 dbs, while sometime for 21. there is no fix time for which it executes,

    Query turns out successful but output is not for all DBs.

    When i checked, select fetch_status from sys.dm_exec_cursors (0) I get output as

    -2. Please find part of the code below. I have declared all the other variables -

    Please suggest!


    Declare scriptor cursor static local for select name [@mDatabase] from master..sysdatabases order by name desc

    open scriptor

    fetch next from scriptor into @mdatabase

    while @@fetch_status=0


    exec s_ScriptAllDatabases

    @SourceUID = 'galupload',

    @SourcePWD = 'tsg2000',

    @OutFilePath = @mOutFilePath ,

    @OutFileName = @mOutFileName ,

    @WorkPath = @mWorkPath , -- no spaces

    @SourceSVR = @mSourceSVR,

    @Database = @mDatabase

    fetch next from scriptor into @mdatabase

    select @@fetch_status


    Close scriptor

    Deallocate scriptor


  • Hi sorry guys,

    I got the solution in the above script i have declared cursor as Static and local.

    Be4 doing this i was getting error, 1s i declared it as static and local, it worked.

    Thanks anyways

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