Cursor and script to parse IP

  • I have a field called ClientIP that holds the IP address of the device. We have several VLAN's and about 600 to 700 addresses troughout the 5 facilitites. I made this a nvarchar field because it holds 3 decimal points within the values (

    My task was to be able to find the device quickly, so I made a new field called NeworkID and ComputerID. NetworkID holds the value of the Network portion of the IP address (10.1.2) and ComputerID will hold the Node of that system (77)

    With all that out of the way, I wish to populate the NetworkID and ComputerID with the values automatically through a script that will parse the ClientIP field. I can accomplish this if I had only one line to perform the task on but I have over 600 records. I think this means that I need a cursor and I am not that well versed.

    Can anyone help me with this task and perhaps even a nice place to read about how cursors work and how they are built?

  • You can use PARSENAME function to accomplish that.

  • Some examples:

    DECLARE @IPTable TABLE ( IP_Address VARCHAR(15))

    INSERT INTO @IPTable (IP_Address)

    SELECT ''





    SELECT Frst = PARSENAME(IP_Address,4)

    , Scnd = PARSENAME(IP_Address,3)

    , Thrd = PARSENAME(IP_Address,2)

    , Lst = PARSENAME(IP_Address,1)

    FROM @IPTable

  • This was exactly what I needed. The task is now accomplished! Thank you!

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