
  • Anyone know how to revert to standard ctrl-tab functionality (for changing tabs)?

  • Ctrl+Shift -Teb

  • Ctrl-Shift-Tab does the same as Ctrl-Tab, but backwards. I'm looking for getting the tab functionality that every other windows program has as in Ctrl-Tab moves to the tab to the right and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to the left.

  • Many MDI applications use Ctrl+Tab to switch windows.

    Having never heard of your example as a 'standard', I fired up Word and Notepad to see what they did.  In both, Ctrl+Tab had the same effect as Tab alone, and Ctrl+Shift+Tab did nothing at all.

    Maybe I'm confused.  What applications exhibit the behavior you're looking for?


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Most apps that use tabs.

    Did you notice whether notepad or word had tabs? Mine don't - perhaps i have an old version of notepad.

  • I've always pressed Tab to reach the tabbed control, then use the Left/Right cursor keys


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