CSV date column not formatted through sp_send_Dbmail

  • Hello,
    I am sending a CSV file through sp_sebd_dbmail which contains couple of date datatype. But, when i look at the CSV file date is not formatted. Is there any way i can get the formatted date?
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    declare @qry varchar(8000)
    declare @column1name varchar(50)

    SET @Column1Name = '[sep=,' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'BatchID]'

    -- Create the query, concatenating the column name as an alias
    select @qry='set nocount on;select BatchID ' + @column1name +
         ' ,UserName,FQFilename,
                FROM table
            WHERE DateDownloaded IS NULL
            ORDER BY DateCreated DESC'

    -- Send the e-mail with the query results in attach
    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
    --@profile_name = 'SRVSQLMON',
    @subject='Test Result',
    @attach_query_result_as_file = 1,
    @query_attachment_filename = 'result.csv',
    @query_result_separator=',',@query_result_width =32767,

  • Never mind. I found the solution.
    Updated the query using covnert function:

    select @qry='set nocount on;select BatchID ' + @column1name + 
         ' ,UserName,FQFilename,
                 CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DateDownloaded,20) as DateDownloaded,
                CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DateCreated,20) As DateCreated,Type,IsLocked,
                CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DateInitiated,20) as DateInitiated 
                FROM table
            WHERE DateDownloaded IS NULL 
            ORDER BY DateCreated DESC'

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