Crystal Reports Version 8.x and Windows Server 2003

  • Hi All,


    I read the post and tried to implement the solution that grasshopper wrote, however, it is not working.  I am still encountering the "CRAXDRT Error Occurred on Server. -2147190908 : Failed to export report." when trying to export to excel.  Any help would be appreciated.



  • Everytime someone says that SQL Reporting Services are free it just makes me want to scream.  I just know they are coming from some small little one server organization that doesn't look a the broad picture. 

    If properly manged Crystal is not as expensive as it might appear to be.  The first thing not to do is purchase enterprise licenses.  We have 1600 folks in our organization and only utilize 35 CALs.  So long as they share a single APS databases I believe the licenses allow an unlimited number of CE installations.  Given that assumption I can have every workstation be a CE server for FREE.  Put up 1600 SQL servers and take a look at the cost.  Its not free if you scale up.

  • Hi Grasshopper:

      I have exact problem when we move our web server to windows 2003. But I tried your way to create a COM+ Package, it seems doesn't work.

       Do you need to do anything else?


    Much appreciated if you can reply



  • "Well, i can assure you that it's free"

    We had this discussion in another thread ... Be careful what ur saying ... Reporting server has to RUN ON A SERVER THAT HAS VALID SQL LICENSING! If you put reporting services on, say, a web server that isn't ur SQL Server box, you need ANOTHER SQL License for that web-server as well!!

    Not to mention CAL's for any direct or indireect users of the data!


  • can you please shed some light on how this is done?  I am interested in doing this as well...  Thanks.


  • I am having the same issue ... I am running Crystal 8.5 on a Windows 2003 Server... and i get that stupid error

    "CRAXDRT Error Occurred on Server. -2147190908 : Failed to export report"

    This only happens when i export out to Excel... any ideas..i would really appriciate it.. email me please

    Thanks or IM me at the same email address

    Moe C

  • Grasshopper,

    I'm running into the same issue with Crystal 8 and Win 2003.  I tried your suggestion, but it doesn't seem to help.

    Is there a specific way that I'm supposed to setup the COM+ server package?  Or is there other settings/configurations items that I need to put on the Win2003 server?



  • Hi All

    We too are looking to move to Windows Server 2003. I now have Crystal Reports 8 installed on this server and the Pageserver and Webcomponent services are working.  Crystal Can open and export documents on the box. However if click on a rpt file on the intranet site I get a HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found.

    Even though the file is here......As a test I chnaged the extension from rpt to doc and the file was found.

    Looks like IIS6 has a problem with rpt extension.....Any ideas??

  • Hope this finds you but I have a question. You said "I was able to resolve the issue by creating a COM+ Package (As a Server Application) and registering the craxdrt.dll in that package". What does that mean and how do you do it? i am new to this field and trying to learn.

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