Creating Stored Procs for all tables

  • I have been working on a new ecommerce database schema template and i have nearly finished setting up all my tables, PK's and FK's, etc...

    However to create my Data Access Layer i was going to use Stored Procedures for all CRUD operations.

    Does anyone know if a generic SP creation tool or T-SQL script i can use to set up majority of the CRUD SP's?

    Or am i doomed to creating every single one by hand manually?

    Just hoping there was a way to jump start the process since there are many tables.

  • We use CodeGen which automatically generates update/insert/delete etc SP's for each table

    | If in Doubt...don't do it!! |

  • I did a google search on this but can't seem to locate the specific application.

    Do you have a website reference or a download link?

    Wondering also if this is a product i need to purchase or is it a freebie?

  • This is what we use, and works just fine:

    | If in Doubt...don't do it!! |

  • Steve Jones - Editor (12/29/2009)

    Try this:


    Thanx for that Steve... This is a great piece of code.

    | If in Doubt...don't do it!! |

  • Thanks to both of you. Great feedback and a big help.

    I will definately use the SQL Generator app. It seems perfect for what i want plus it generates the .NET classes which was my next task anyway for web development.

    I'll also give the script a try on my local dev and see what it returns.

  • Glad to help

    | If in Doubt...don't do it!! |

  • I use a free package from ssms tools pack it plugs into SSMS. I can create/modify templates before creating the CRUD procs, so they can be properly documented. It also comes with an option to generate insert statements. The url is

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  • Just an additional option (if you already have the tool) is to use templates in ERWIN to generate the default scripts for each table.

    Otherwise, the suggestions listed are very good.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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