Creating Roles/Logins

  • I know these things are inter related but which one do we create first ?


    What is the difference between User, Login , Role and Schema

    At which level we control the security ?

    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday:-)

  • Z@f (5/5/2010)

    I know these things are inter related but which one do we create first ?


    What is the difference between User, Login , Role and Schema

    At which level we control the security ?

    This is long topic but try this link

  • Z@f (5/5/2010)

    I know these things are inter related but which one do we create first ?


    What is the difference between User, Login , Role and Schema

    At which level we control the security ?

    As was stated, there is a wealth of information out there detailing each of those things. But to quickly explain what each one is, you can think of it as follows;

    Login- A login gets you into the instance. This is necessary for all users and these can be single logins or even domain groups depending on your SQL Server setup.

    User- Users are database specific. a login is mapped to a user in a database.

    Role- Roles can be either default or user defined. they can be server level roles (for logins) or database level roles (for users). Users are assigned to roles which are granted a specific set of permissions and are used to enforce security rules.

    Schema- A schema is a database level object container. Tables, views, and procedures can all be in a schema. A schema is intended to be used to enforce security policies but it can also be used as a logical container just to group items together in one database.

    Hope that helps.

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