Creating a View with Declare

  • Hi

    I have a Query:



    SET @StartDate = '2010-06-20'

    SET @EndDate = '2010-07-25'


    SELECT @SwapDate = @EndDate,

    @EndDate = @StartDate,

    @StartDate = @SwapDate

    WHERE @EndDate < @StartDate

    SELECT @StartDate = DATEADD(ww,DATEDIFF(ww,0,@StartDate),0),

    @EndDate = DATEADD(ww,DATEDIFF(ww,0,@EndDate)+1,0)


    @SQL2 NVARCHAR(4000),

    @SQL3 NVARCHAR(4000)

    SELECT @SQL1 = 'SELECT CASE WHEN GROUPING([CP Code]) = 1 THEN ''TotalPageviews'' ELSE [CP Code] END AS [CP Code],'+CHAR(10)

    SELECT @SQL3 =

    ' SUM(TotalPageviews) AS TotalPageviews



    SELECT DATEADD(WW,DATEDIFF(WW,0,Date),0)-8 AS WeekEndDate,

    [CP Code],

    SUM(TotalPageviews) AS TotalPageviews

    FROM View_DSA

    WHERE Date >= ' + QUOTENAME(@StartDate,'''') + '

    AND Date < ' + QUOTENAME(@EndDate,'''') + '


    ) d

    GROUP BY [CP Code]



    + ' SUM(CASE WHEN WeekEndDate = ' + QUOTENAME(d.WeekEndDate,'''')

    + ' THEN TotalPageviews ELSE 0 END) AS [' + d.WeekEndDate + '],' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (


    STUFF(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(WW, N,@StartDate)-8,101),1,0,'') AS WeekEndDate

    FROM Tally

    WHERE N <= DATEDIFF(WW,@StartDate,@EndDate)

    ) d

    ORDER BY d.N

    EXEC (@SQL1 + @SQL2 + @SQL3)


    My question is..How can I create a view which gives me the result of this query.


  • You've done all the hard work. To create the VIEW you just need

    EXEC('CREATE VIEW YourGeneratedView AS ' + @SQL1 + @SQL2 + @SQL3)

  • LoL....

    I'm just new to all this ....

    Thankyou very much ....

  • Hi

    I have a Query:


    DECLARE @baseQuery NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @baseQueryFilterString NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @bankTransferNoteQuery NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @bankTransferNoteFilterString NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @payableNotes NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @payableNotesFilterString NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @prePaidNotes NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @bankAccountInfo NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @bankAccountInfoFilterString NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @orderByClause NVARCHAR(max) = ' Order By BankName,BankBranchName,BankAccountNumber'

    IF (null IS NOT NULL)

    SET @orderByClause = N'Order By ' +null

    SET @bankAccountInfoFilterString = 'AND '

    if null IS NOT NULL

    SET @bankAccountInfoFilterString = @bankAccountInfoFilterString + ' b.BankID IN ('+ null + ') AND '

    if null IS NOT NULL

    SET @bankAccountInfoFilterString = @bankAccountInfoFilterString + ' ba.CurrencyRef IN (' + null + ') AND '

    if null IS NOT NULL

    SET @bankAccountInfoFilterString = @bankAccountInfoFilterString + ' ba.BankAccountTypeRef IN (' + null + ') AND '

    if null IS NOT NULL

    SET @bankAccountInfoFilterString = @bankAccountInfoFilterString + ' ba.State IN (' + null + ') AND '

    SET @bankAccountInfoFilterString = substring(@bankAccountInfoFilterString, 1, len(@bankAccountInfoFilterString) - 3)

    SET @bankAccountInfo = N'(SELECT



    ba.Number AS BankAccountNumber,

    b.Name as BankName,

    bb.Name as BankBranchName,

    cur.Title as CurrencyTitle,

    cur.Precision as CurrencyPrecision


    RPA3.BankAccount as ba

    INNER JOIN GNR3.Currency AS cur ON ba.CurrencyRef = cur.CurrencyID

    INNER JOIN RPA3.BankBranch as bb on ba.BankBranchRef = bb.BankBranchID

    INNER JOIN RPA3.Bank as b on bb.BankRef = b.BankID '+ @bankAccountInfoFilterString +') As ba '

    SET @bankTransferNoteFilterString = ' AND'

    SET @payableNotesFilterString = ' AND'

    SET @baseQueryFilterString = ' AND'

    IF null IS NOT NULL


    SET @bankTransferNoteFilterString= @bankTransferNoteFilterString + ' [rnt].[LedgerRef] in(' + null + ') AND'

    SET @payableNotesFilterString = @payableNotesFilterString + ' [pnt].[LedgerRef] in(' + null + ') AND'

    SET @baseQueryFilterString = @baseQueryFilterString + ' [bt].[LedgerRef] in(' + null + ') AND'


    IF null IS NOT NULL


    SET @bankTransferNoteFilterString= @bankTransferNoteFilterString + ' [rnt].[BranchRef] in(' + null + ') AND'

    SET @payableNotesFilterString = @payableNotesFilterString + ' [pnt].[BranchRef] in(' + null + ') AND'

    SET @baseQueryFilterString = @baseQueryFilterString + ' [bt].[BranchRef] in(' + null + ') AND'


    IF null IS NOT NULL


    SET @bankTransferNoteFilterString= @bankTransferNoteFilterString + ' [rnt].[FiscalYearRef] in(' + null + ') AND'

    SET @payableNotesFilterString = @payableNotesFilterString + ' [pnt].[FiscalYearRef] in(' + null + ') AND'

    SET @baseQueryFilterString = @baseQueryFilterString + ' [bt].[FiscalYearRef] in(' + null + ') AND'


    SET @bankTransferNoteFilterString = substring(@bankTransferNoteFilterString, 1, len(@bankTransferNoteFilterString) - 3)

    SET @payableNotesFilterString = substring(@payableNotesFilterString, 1, len(@payableNotesFilterString) - 3)

    SET @baseQueryFilterString = substring(@baseQueryFilterString, 1, len(@baseQueryFilterString) - 3)

    SET @bankTransferNoteQuery=N'(SELECT SUM(rn.Amount) AS TotalBankTransfer, bt.BankAccountRef

    FROM RPA3.BankTransferReceivableNote AS btn

    JOIN RPA3.BankTransfer as bt ON btn.BankTransferRef = bt.BankTransferID

    JOIN RPA3.ReceivableNote AS rn ON btn.ReceivableNoteRef = rn.ReceivableNoteID

    JOIN RPA3.ReceivableNoteTransaction AS rnt ON btn.ReceivableNoteTransactionRef = rnt.ReceivableNoteTransactionID

    WHERE rnt.ReceivableNoteTransactionID IN



    FROM (

    SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY ReceivableNoteRef ORDER BY date DESC , documentDate) as rn , ReceivableNoteTransactionID

    FROM RPA3.ReceivableNoteTransaction rnt

    WHERE (rnt.DocumentDate <= cast(getdate() as date)) AND (rnt.DocumentDate >=cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date)) AND rnt.State > 0

    )orderedReceivableNoteTransaction where rn = 1


    AND rnt.State = 2 '+ @bankTransferNoteFilterString +' GROUP BY bt.BankAccountRef) AS btNotes '

    SET @payableNotes = N'(SELECT


    SUM((CASE WHEN (pnt.DurationType=2 AND pnt.NormalORGuarantee=1) THEN pn.Amount ELSE 0 END)) AS TotalShortTermDurationPaid,

    SUM((CASE WHEN (pnt.DurationType=3 AND pnt.NormalORGuarantee=1) THEN pn.Amount ELSE 0 END)) AS TotalLongTermDurationPaid,

    SUM((CASE WHEN (pnt.NormalORGuarantee=2) THEN pn.Amount ELSE 0 END)) AS TotalGuaranteePaid

    FROM RPA3.PayableNote AS pn

    INNER JOIN RPA3.PayableNoteTransaction as pnt ON pn.PayableNoteID = pnt.PayableNoteRef

    WHERE pnt.PayableNoteTransactionID IN



    FROM (

    SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY PayableNoteRef ORDER BY date DESC , documentDate) as rn , PayableNoteTransactionID

    FROM RPA3.PayableNoteTransaction pnt

    WHERE (pnt.DocumentDate <= cast(getdate() as date)) AND (pnt.DocumentDate >=cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date)) AND pnt.State > 0

    )orderedPayableNoteTransaction where rn = 1

    ) AND pnt.State = 11' + @payableNotesFilterString +

    ' GROUP BY pn.BankAccountRef) AS pNotes '

    SET @prePaidNotes = N' (SELECT


    SUM([pn].[Amount]) AS [TotalPrePaid]

    FROM [RPA3].[PayableNote] AS [pn]

    INNER JOIN [RPA3].[PayableNoteTransaction] as [pnt] ON [pn].PayableNoteID = [pnt].PayableNoteRef

    WHERE [pnt].[PayableNoteTransactionID] IN



    FROM (

    SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY [PayableNoteRef] ORDER BY [date] DESC , [documentDate]) as rn , PayableNoteTransactionID

    FROM RPA3.PayableNoteTransaction pnt

    WHERE ([pnt].[DocumentDate] <= cast(getdate() as date)) AND ([pnt].[DocumentDate] >= cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date))

    )orderedPayableNoteTransaction where rn = 1

    ) AND ([pnt].[State] = -11 OR [pnt].[State] = -28)' + @payableNotesFilterString +

    ' GROUP BY [pn].[BankAccountRef])prePaidNotes '

    SET @baseQuery = N'SELECT * FROM (SELECT







    (CASE WHEN ba.ParentRef is null then '''' else

    (Select Bank.Name+''/''+BankBranch.Name+''/''+BankAccount.Number

    from RPA3.BankAccount join RPA3.BankBranch on BankBranchRef = BankBranchID join RPA3.Bank on RPA3.BankBranch.BankRef=BankID

    where BankAccountID = ba.ParentRef) END) AS ParentName,

    bt.BeginningBalance BeginingBalance,










    '+ @bankAccountInfo + '



    (SUM(CASE WHEN (bt.DocumentDate < cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date) OR (bt.DocumentDate>= cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date) AND bt.DocumentDate<=cast(getdate() as date) AND bt.IsDeployment=1)) THEN bt.Debit ELSE 0 END)-

    SUM(CASE WHEN (bt.DocumentDate < cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date) OR (bt.DocumentDate>= cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date) AND bt.DocumentDate<=cast(getdate() as date) AND bt.IsDeployment=1)) THEN bt.Credit ELSE 0 END)) AS BeginningBalance,

    SUM(CASE WHEN (bt.DocumentDate >= cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date) AND bt.DocumentDate <= cast(getdate() as date) AND bt.IsDeployment=0) THEN bt.Debit ELSE 0 END) AS TotalDebit,

    SUM(CASE WHEN (bt.DocumentDate >= cast(Dateadd(day,-30,cast(getdate() as date)) as date) AND bt.DocumentDate <= cast(getdate() as date) AND bt.IsDeployment=0) THEN bt.Credit ELSE 0 END) AS TotalCredit,

    (SUM(CASE WHEN (bt.DocumentDate <= cast(getdate() as date)) THEN bt.Debit ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN (bt.DocumentDate <= cast(getdate() as date)) THEN bt.Credit ELSE 0 END)) AS EndingBalance,

    BankAccountRef from rpa3.BankAccountTransaction AS bt

    WHERE 1=1' + @baseQueryFilterString + ' GROUP BY BankAccountRef)

    bt ON bt.BankAccountRef = ba.BankAccountID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN '+ @bankTransferNoteQuery+' ON ba.BankAccountID = btNotes.BankAccountRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN '+ @payableNotes+ ' ON ba.BankAccountID = pNotes.BankAccountRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN '+ @prePaidNotes+ ' ON ba.BankAccountID= prePaidNotes.BankAccountRef

    WHERE bt.BeginningBalance>0 OR bt.TotalDebit>0 OR bt.TotalCredit>0 OR bt.EndingBalance>0

    OR btNotes.TotalBankTransfer>0 OR pNotes.TotalShortTermDurationPaid>0

    OR pNotes.TotalLongTermDurationPaid>0 OR pNotes.TotalGuaranteePaid >0

    OR prePaidNotes.TotalPrePaid >0

    )x ' + N' WHERE 1=1 /*{{AND(InlineFilter,InlineFilter,2,BankName,BankBranchName,BankAccountNumber,CurrencyTitle,BeginingBalance,TotalDebit,TotalCredit,EndingBalance,TotalBankTransfer,TotalShortTermDurationPaid,TotalLongTermDurationPaid,TotalGuaranteePaid,TotalPrePaid)}}*/'

    SET @baseQuery = @baseQuery + @orderByClause

    exec sp_executesql @baseQuery;


    My question is..How can I create a view which gives me the result of this query.


  • Firstly, It may be better to start a new thread - adding to a ten-year-old one with different code may not be the best way of getting a response

    The short answer is that you can't - a view can't accept parameters. It does, however, ask the question why does the query have to be a view?  It's probably better to create a stored procedure - you might want to look at, especially the "Using Transact-SQL" section.

    Looking at the code , it's a little difficult to know where to start. The number of NVARCHAR(MAX) parameters looks like an attempt to create a piece of code that tries to deal with any kind of enquiry - it's probably better to create a procedure for each parameter and call the procedure depending on the parameter. Building SQL strings and executing them is usually a recipe for ensuring really bad performance. Also, "if null IS NOT NULL" and "WHERE 1=1 ": NULL is always NULL and 1 is always 1- what was the author of the code trying to achieve?

    It's better to let the forum know what the problem is rather than decide what the solution is and then ask how to achieve it - for example, if you say "I have to provide data from bank accounts which is in the same format but for a variety of different queries, but I'm new to SQL and don't know where to start" I'm sure you'll get a lot of helpful and constructive guidance. You might also want to ask your employer for some training and/or mentoring

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