Creating a Temp Table:

  • I have a script that read records from another table and writes that into a temp table.

    However, if I try to build a string and have that executed with EXEC then it does not work.

    The process has no error message and it sound like completed successfully.

    However, check the content the QAnalyzer returns object or table not found.

    here is the script

    if object_id('tempdb..#tempx') is not null drop table #tempx


    select 'john' MyName into #tempx


    select * from #tempx

    returns john

    -- now trying it a bit differently

    if object_id('tempdb..#tempx') is not null drop table #tempx


    declare @mystring nvarchar(32)

    select @mystring = 'select ''john'' MyName into #tempx'

    select * from #tempx


    (1 row(s) affected)

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Line 5

    Invalid object name '#tempx'.

    any ideas?

    very tells me 1 row affected but no records nor the table 🙁

    PS:: if I grab the statement without executing then it works.

    select 'john' MyName into #tempx

    The reason for doing it this way is that I would like to receive a parameter and build this string before executing it.

    any help will be appreciated.



    John Esraelo

  • I did find out why this is not going to work.

    The EXEC is qualified as an outside scope and therefore the temp table is not visible any longer.

    Therefore, I have created another method:

    select top 0 * into #tempx from tblXYZ

    -- to create the temp table first and then I can use my EXEC string...but this time I will be using INSERT INTO instead of select .. into


    John Esraelo

  • Yes thats it. You'll need to create the temp table first. Then you can use dynamic SQL with EXEC to populate it.

  • good morning and welcome to sql server central.. you are going to have lots of fun here.


    and thank you for the reply..

    John Esraelo

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