Generate a script to drop a DB user

  • I have a script below to search ALL DBs for a specific user:

    DECLARE @DBuser_sql VARCHAR(4000)
    DECLARE @DBuser_table TABLE (DBName VARCHAR(200), UserName VARCHAR(250))

    SET @DBuser_sql='SELECT ''?'' AS DBName, AS Name FROM ?.sys.database_principals a
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ?.sys.database_role_members b ON a.principal_id=b.member_principal_id
    WHERE a.sid NOT IN (0x01,0x00) AND a.sid IS NOT NULL AND a.type NOT IN (''C'') AND a.is_fixed_role <> 1 AND NOT LIKE ''##%'' AND ''?'' NOT IN (''master'',''msdb'',''model'',''tempdb'') ORDER BY Name'
    INSERT @DBuser_table
    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command1=@dbuser_sql
    SELECT * FROM @DBuser_table
    where username = 'frodo'

    The top part of the image below is the result of the script.  the bottom part is what i want to create based on the result.


  • Something like this should do it:

    SELECT CONCAT('USE ', u.DBName, '; ALTER ROLE [db_owner] DROP MEMBER [', u.Username, '];')
    FROM @USER_table u
    WHERE u.Username = 'Frodo'
    ORDER BY u.DBName;

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thanks Phil, worked! 🙂

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