creating a Copy of database for testing

  • Hi,

    I have a server running an instance of SQL Server 7.0 with a production database. There are some small changes in the application that uses this database. I need to create a copy of the database (with a different name) so that I can test the changes before deploying on a new machine.

    Any ideas?



  • I often restore the database to the same server under a new name. 

  • Hie

    For this i usually use enterprise manager.First detach your database, copy the mdf and ldf files for the db and put them in a seperate location from the current db's location.

    then using enterprise manager again, select attach db when you right click

    (local server) --> databases --> All Tasks.

    on the dialog box that come up where it says Attach As, put the test db name that you want to use.

    that should do the trick

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Both options work very well...but the second option of coping the files and attaching a new database will be faster than a restore. 


    Have fun


  • Agreed...for SQL 7 and 2000, the second way is better and faster. What about 6.5, any idea?? Haaha...


    Kindest Regards,

    eiddie dredd

    No Pain No Gain

  • Faster being one aspect. But I usually prefer the backup restore process as it is clean and less error prone. Not that the copy paste doesnt work. Just my comfort level .

    Vinod Kumar

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