Create Store Procedure to create View

  • Hi folks

    I hope you help me out in this....

    I want create view via store procedure and call(use) through ASP script in regard to display view's result which is part of a report.

    could you please let me know how could I create view via store procedure and call from ASP..

    thanks in advance guys..



  • Hi, i tink you don't need a view you can directly use the recordset you create in the stored procedure.

    for example

    you have this stored procedure:

    create usp_test


    @name varchar(50)



    select * from authors

    where au_lname=@name

    In the asp page you do something like this:

    dim conn

    dim rs

    dim strSql

    dim strInput

    strInput ="white"

    Set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")


    strsql="usp_test '" & strinput & "'"

    set rs = cnn.execute (strsql)

    or better to create command object with parameter

  • Walk us thru what your are trying to do so we can offer a solution for your needs.

  • first of all thanks guys for quick reply. really appreciate it.

    Ok antares here it is the details:

    suppose users want to see total sales by manufacturers with in given dates (enter by users on web page using ASP script). there are two ways to do it either you can do directly on asp page using T-SQL OR create basic view (which have done)and use this view further in your T-SQL in ASP page..but in second way view always sitting as an object in database. OR third way is create SP for query and call this SP whenever user entered search criteria in report interface which could be better solution in term of security and avoiding extra objects sitting in database.

    please advice am I doing right way or any other better ways do it???

    I hope this would be clear the question. if you need to know further more plz do ask..



  • For the performance of the report I think the stored procedure method oultined above is the best solution. If you create a view and then

    filter it you will be grouping information that you will never use. You can create a sp with input parameters for date range, first filter the resultset,

    then group it server side only returning the information that is required.


    Andy Jones

    Edited by - andyj93 on 12/02/2002 07:51:42 AM


  • hi andy

    I agree but you have sample code for it where i can refer to it..




  • Hi, see the post of Klaas-Jan above to get you started.


    Andy Jones


  • The accepted format is to use a stored procedure and pass it the parameters you need. Generating SQL statements from user-supplied input is inefficient and risky (from a security point of view.)

  • quote:

    first of all thanks guys for quick reply. really appreciate it.

    Ok antares here it is the details:

    suppose users want to see total sales by manufacturers with in given dates (enter by users on web page using ASP script). there are two ways to do it either you can do directly on asp page using T-SQL OR create basic view (which have done)and use this view further in your T-SQL in ASP page..but in second way view always sitting as an object in database. OR third way is create SP for query and call this SP whenever user entered search criteria in report interface which could be better solution in term of security and avoiding extra objects sitting in database.

    please advice am I doing right way or any other better ways do it???

    I hope this would be clear the question. if you need to know further more plz do ask..


    As everyone else I agree you should use the Stored Procedure approach. Create an SP for each needed query and save. Overall you will get better performance this way.

    And so refer back to Klaas-Jan as a starting point for calling. However, you should look at using a Command Object instead and set to adStoredProc to get maximum performance.

    Also look here for some good info on using a Stored Procedure with ASP.

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