• Sorry if this is a repeat question but I dont know what I am doing wrong here. I have created a Stored Proc which when you pass in a parameter of SQL Login, it then passes through every database on the server and returns all the perms for that SQL Login on every database. This is a request from one of our Managers you wants to be able to see a users database perms at any point in time by just running the proc. As he is not 'sa' himself, my idea was to create a proc the set it to EXECUTE as SA. So that whenever he ran it he would get the info he needs.

    So my proc works fine when I run it as I am 'sa'. I now need to add the "Execute as SA" command but it wont let me as follows

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_CheckUserPermsAll

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @user varchar(255)




    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from



    DECLARE @wdbid INT, @DBName VARCHAR(255), @SQL2 nVARCHAR(max), @SQL nVARCHAR(max)



    I get the following error

    Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_CheckUserPermsAll, Line 187

    Cannot execute as the user 'sa', because it does not exist or you do not have permission

    Have I gone down the wrong path here...?


  • I believe, that because you are accessing other databases, you need to sign the procedure with a certificate. I don't think EXECUTE AS will work. See this article which says:

    However, when impersonating a principal by using the EXECUTE AS USER statement, or within a database-scoped module by using the EXECUTE AS clause, the scope of impersonation is restricted to the database by default. This means that references to objects outside the scope of the database will return an error. To understand the reason for this default behavior, consider the following scenario.

    You may also be able to do this by granting impersonation on sa to the proper user. See this article.

    I'd actually recommend against impersonating SA. I'd do the signing and use that to grant only the privileges needed.

  • all I was doing was reading from sys.database_pricipals and other permission related tables from each database so all I needed to go was grant read permission on every database to the user. I then removed the execute as clause and its working fine

    Thanks for looking 🙂

  • make sure you add 'sa' as a user in the database in question. You could also try EXECUTE AS OWNER

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • A couple of things:

    First, make sure the sa account is enabled on the Status page of the SA accounts Properties dialog box.

    Second, move the EXECUTE AS sa into the body of the stored procedure and end the stored procedure with REVERT command to make sure that all of the permissions are set back to the caller's level.

    For what you are doing REVERT may not be necessary, but it is a good habit to get into.

    When you create more sophisticated stored procedures you only want to use EXECUTE AS and REVERT around the code that actually requires the higher permission levels. That way no one gets carte blanche for the entire process.

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