CPU usage not shown

  • OK, I admit this is an old-fashioned way to make a CPU busy. When I run the following program, my Server makes roughly 10.000 loops a second, but does it not show any CPU load in task manager.

    Is it not using all the CPU it can get ? Or does it use it and shows wrong values in task-manager ?

    declare @counter int

    set @counter=0

    while 1=1


      set @counter= @counter +1

      if @counter % 10000 = 0

        print @counter



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • In theory the limiting factor could be output to screen, although I never saw the CPU go to 0 because of that.  Minimizing isqlw could make a difference.

    I tried it on my PC and got 100% CPU, 65% for SQL Server and 35% for isqlw.

    Did you check the perfomance/system monitor?


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