Count rows after non zero

  • How to count rows after first non zero in a set? Example in the set data that have 2 column month and quantity, I want to start the count from the third row. The result should be 5. The query should ignore the top rows that has zero till a non zero number and count all rows after that even if there is zero.









  • What is your expected output?

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  • The output of the sample data set in question should be 5.

  • You can add a row number to each line with ROW_NUMBER(). Filter on non-zero quantities and get the minimum row number. Substract this from the maximum row number.

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  • Koen Verbeeck (10/22/2014)

    You can add a row number to each line with ROW_NUMBER(). Filter on non-zero quantities and get the minimum row number. Substract this from the maximum row number.

    hi Thanks. I have tested it and your idea works, just that it would be "Subtract the filtered minimum row number - 1 from the maximum. This forum rocks!

  • saxsena_sanjay (10/22/2014)

    Koen Verbeeck (10/22/2014)

    You can add a row number to each line with ROW_NUMBER(). Filter on non-zero quantities and get the minimum row number. Substract this from the maximum row number.

    hi Thanks. I have tested it and your idea works, just that it would be "Subtract the filtered minimum row number - 1 from the maximum. This forum rocks!

    Yeah, I was not sure if you had to subtract 1 from the minimum row number or not and didn't have time to test it all out.

    Glad your problem is solved.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

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