Count of word inside cell

  • Hello all,

    I am trying to find a query that bring me the count of the exactly word name: PageDefinition like on the example.

    Thanks a lot all and best regards,


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  • Try this


    select ID,detail_form,
    (len(detail_form) - len(replace(replace(replace(detail_form,'<PageDefintion>','<>'),'<PageDefintion/>','</>'),'</PageDefintion>','</>'))) / len('PageDefintion') as PageDefintionCount
    from mytable


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Tks alot!!!


  • You don't need all those REPLACE functions.

    You can just do

    DECLARE @Find VARCHAR(MAX)='PageDefintion'  

    ,LEN(@Find) ,(LEN(Detail_Form)-LEN(REPLACE(Detail_Form,@Find,'')))/LEN(@Find) AS OccurrenceCount
    FROM dbo.Table1
  • planetmatt wrote:

    You don't need all those REPLACE functions.

    You can just do

    DECLARE @Find VARCHAR(MAX)='PageDefintion'  

    ,LEN(@Find) ,(LEN(Detail_Form)-LEN(REPLACE(Detail_Form,@Find,'')))/LEN(@Find) AS OccurrenceCount
    FROM dbo.Table1


    That will match PageDefintions and PageDefintion giving a count of 2 for ID=2


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Mark Cowne wrote:

    That will match PageDefintions and PageDefintion giving a count of 2 for ID=2

    Then can't you just change the search string to:

    DECLARE @Find VARCHAR(MAX)='PageDefintion>'


  • planetmatt wrote:

    Mark Cowne wrote:

    That will match PageDefintions and PageDefintion giving a count of 2 for ID=2

    Then can't you just change the search string to:

    DECLARE @Find VARCHAR(MAX)='PageDefintion>'


    Yes you could, that would work for the data as provided but I was being cautious not wanting to match for example <AnotherPageDefintion>


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

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