Corrupt Cluster?

  • We had a 3 Node SQL Server 2005 Cluster. SQL Server Service Pack 2

    Windows Server 2003 Enterprise with Service Pack 1

    We recently planned to migrate the SAN storage to a new subsystem.

    The following is a recap of what occurred. It is known that these steps were incorrect and not best practice. So the focus/question will be on what could have been done to recover NOT prevent.

    Prior to the migration all servers were to be shutdown.

    Before shutdown occured, all SQL instances (3 of them) were taken offline and Cluster service was STOPPED on all nodes, taking the Cluster Service Resource offline.

    After Storage migration all 3 servers were restarted and up at the same time.

    At that point Cluster service on server1 was attempted to start.

    It failed. Cluster service on Server2 was attempted to start.

    None of the disks showed up on any of the servers.

    At this point 2 servers were shut down and the third was restarted.

    What entailed was a cluster that would not come on line. Nor would any of the SQL instance come online. After a few hours of playing around with all 3 servers.

    trying to start clussvc.exe with every switch we gave up and rebuilt the entire cluster.

    During this ordeal we had various resource issues with failures on IP's, cluster starting errors.

    My question, should the cluster have broken this easy and is there a good way to trouble shoot this type of thing should it happen again.

    I know I am leaving out a large amount of info. I am hoping for just general tips.


  • Seems like your biggest problem was that the nodes didn't see the disks. Did you get that resolved?

  • Yes we did get cluster/server to see storage... intially our thoughts were since all 3 servers were running with out cluster services running none of the servers were the disk drives owner.

    After we powered down 2 we did have the drives showing up under the remaing powered up server.(after we restarted it).

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