Copy DB using Copy Wizard

  • Hi,

    I am trying to move database from SQL7 to SQL2K using Copy Wizard. I got the message as follows:

    Successfully created the share OMWWIZE

    … …

    Successfully detached the database

    Failed to copy file E:\SQL7\Data\abc.mdf

    Successfully attached the database

    Successfully deleted the share OMWWIZE

    I tried couple times but still got same message. Could you please help me on this?

    Thank you

  • Probably a permissions issue. As you can see from the results, what it does is detach the file, copy it to the target server, then reattach on original server, attach the copied over mdf to the target server. The copy is failing, so nothing to attach. Another possibility could be insufficient space.


  • I am administrator of local and domain on both the source and destination server.

    I didn't shut down SQL7 When I copied the DB.

    So maybe some users entered data while I made copy. Does it matter?

  • Just shutdown the SQL server service in the SQL 7 copy the mdf, ndf and ldf files to the SQL 2000 server and attach the DB in the SQL2K server, then restart the service in the SQL 7

  • I still have problems to copy DB to SQL2K.

    The view package log error description is as follows:

    Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services [DTS] Package

    Step Error Description: Unspecified error

    Step Error code: 80004005

    Step Error Help File: sqldts80.hlp

    Step Error Help Context ID: 1100

    Do you have any ideas?


  • That doesn't help much. If you just want to get it done, there are a couple options. One is to a backup and and restore on the new server. The other is to detach the file manually (sp_detach_db) and copy the file over, reattach with sp_reattach_db.

    While not likely, being a domain admin doesn't guarantee access, in some cases you'd have to take ownership and grant yourself permissions.


  • Using either backup/restore or detach/attach, the orphaned users on the destination database will need to be dealt with in some way. Is that correct?


  • Correct you will have orphaned users if you do the attach or restore options and the logins are not in Master, if there are few users, you can set the allow changes to be made directly to system catalog, then remove all users in syslogins and start over w permissions.

    Can you check to see if the mdf was even created on the destination server? If it is not even created then try to manually create a file of some sort in the directory on the destination server - if you can't you have a permission problem. Also try connecting to the destination server from the old server and see if you can connect to the share using a unc (\\server\share) and try creating a file within the share. You may also want to check the sql server agent account and ensure that it is a domain account that exists on both machines and has permissions to both directories - I belive the agent gets involved in the copy process. You should shut down the sql service on either machine. If the database detaches then it is not an issue of connected users.

  • This is how I resync users.

    -- login sync

    -- print db_name()

    use userdb -- User-db


    print 'print @@servername + '' / '' + db_name()'

    print 'go'


    declare @username varchar(128)

    declare @Musername varchar(128)

    declare @IsNtName bit

    declare @sql_stmt varchar(500)

    --cursor returns with names of each username to be tied to its respective

    DECLARE user_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT as Name, as MasterName , su.isntname

    FROM sysusers su

    left join master.dbo.sysxlogins msu

    on upper( = upper(

    WHERE su.sid > 0x00

    ORDER BY Name

    --for each user:

    OPEN user_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @username, @Musername, @IsNtName



    IF @username NOT IN ('dbo', 'list of names you want to avoid') --


    if @Musername is null


    if @IsNtName = 1


    print 'if not exists (select * from master.dbo.syslogins where loginname = N''NtDomein**\' + @username + ''')'

    print ' begin '

    print 'exec sp_grantlogin N''NtDomein**\' + @username + ''''

    print 'exec sp_defaultdb N''NtDomein**\' + + @username + ''', N'''+ db_name() + ''''

    print ' end'

    set @sql_stmt = '--Windows account used'




    SELECT @sql_stmt = 'sp_change_users_login @Action = ''Auto_Fix'',@UserNamePattern = ''' + @username + ''''





    SELECT @sql_stmt = 'sp_change_users_login @Action = ''Update_One'',@UserNamePattern = ''' + @username + ''', @LoginName = ''' + @username + ''''


    PRINT @sql_stmt

    print 'go'

    print '--*** Look here: exec stmt in comment !!! ***'

    --EXECUTE (@sql_stmt)


    FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @username, @Musername, @IsNtName

    END --of table-cursor loop

    --clean up

    CLOSE user_cursor

    DEALLOCATE user_cursor

    Print '** end User-sync **'


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