Convert number to time

  • How to convert number to time

    I have set of numbers in row and want to convert into time. Currently i am using  in oracle numtodsinterval.

    Number = 626400

    select TO_CHAR (trunc(sysdate) + NUMTODSINTERVAL ((626400 -432000)/10, 'second'), 'hh24:mi:ss')  from dual

    Output: 05:24:00

    now to convert the values in sql

    number = 626400

    In Sql how to do it.


  • Don't know Oracle but if the result of your math is number of seconds since midnight then

    CAST(DATEADD(second,(626400-432000)/10,0) as time)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thank you David.. it works ...

  • Just make sure the number of seconds does not exceed one day otherwise the time will be wrong

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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