convert from MMMDDYYYY to DATETIME

  • how do i convert DEC312013 to '2013-12-31 00:00:00.000' without using CASE in sql.

    i need to replace the following code in my proc with new logic because my SQL SME wont let me hardcode the months for somereason and i am using 2005.

    DECLARE @date1 varchar(10)

    SET @DATE1 = 'DEC312013'


    1, 3)

    WHEN 'JAN'

    THEN '1'

    WHEN 'FEB'

    THEN '2'

    WHEN 'MAR'

    THEN '3'

    WHEN 'APR'

    THEN '4'

    WHEN 'MAY'

    THEN '5'

    WHEN 'JUN'

    THEN '6'

    WHEN 'JUL'

    THEN '7'

    WHEN 'AUG'

    THEN '8'

    WHEN 'SEP'

    THEN '9'

    WHEN 'OCT'

    THEN '10'

    WHEN 'NOV'

    THEN '11'

    WHEN 'DEC'

    THEN '12'

    END) + '/'

    + SUBSTRING(@date1, 4, 2)

    + '/' + SUBSTRING(@date1, 6,4)))

  • Use the STUFF function to format it into a string that can be converted into a date using the normal convert function. Once it's a real date datetype, you can use convert to format it however you'd like.

    DECLARE @date1 varchar(12)

    DECLARE @date2 date

    SET @DATE1 = 'DEC312013'

    select @date1 = STUFF(stuff(@date1,4,0,' '),7,0,' ')

    select @date2 = CONVERT(date,@date1,100)

    select @date2

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Thank you:-)

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