Convert epoch to human readable date

  • Hi,
    I'm trying to convert a LogTime column to date format and I keep getting the error: 

    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

    I have read a ton of articles on different ways to convert this and I keep getting the same error no matter what I try.  Here is the table structure:
    LogTime (decimal(19,0), NOT NULL)
    Message (nvarchar(40000), NULL)

    LogTime               Message
    1551279347054   Channel Test_train currently not assigned.  Error in update status to 0
    1551279348071   Channel Test_train is unassigned.  Attempting to start.
    1551279348071   Channel 'Test_train' is already assigned.
    1551279348071   already previously acquired
    1551279348087   Channel Test_train currently not assigned.  Error in update status to 0

    This table has 100M rows and all I'm trying to do is write a SQL to display rows older than 30 days.  I've tried CONVERT, CAST, DATEDIFF and I can't get it to work.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I don't need to write a complicated stored procedure, just a simple SQL query so I can purge the data based on a date range. 🙂

    Bea Isabelle

  • Divide it by 1000, to add seconds, so it seems based on the value returned:

    SELECT DATEADD(SECOND, (1551279347054/1000), '19700101')

    If you need to keep the milliseconds, you can add them afterward:

    SELECT DATEADD(MS, (1551279347054%1000), DATEADD(SECOND, (1551279347054/1000), '19700101'))

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • Hi Scott,

    Thank you!  That worked perfectly 🙂

    Bea Isabelle

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