convert date to string then grab parts of the string

  • I'm trying to convert a date to a string then grab parts of the string to make a value but it is not working correctly

    Here is my code:

    select externalId1

    , externalId2

    , fund_name

    , fund_externalId1

    , award_paidAmount

    , disbursement_netAmount

    , disbursement_scheduledDate

    , disbursement_createdOn

    , '5' + SUBSTRING(disbursement_scheduledDate,4,1) + SUBSTRING(disbursement_scheduledDate,6,2)

    , disbursement_modifiedOn, award_createdOn, award_modifiedOn

    , case when a.disbursement_adjustedReleaseDate IS NULL then a.disbursement_scheduledDate else a.disbursement_adjustedReleaseDate END AS ScheduledDisbursementDate

    from dbo.dataExtract_AwardDisbursement_View a

    I'm getting this error:

    Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Argument data type datetime is invalid for argument 1 of substring function.

  • You are attempting to use a string function on a date or datetime data type.

    You need to use cast or convert on the field first, then attempt the substring.

    Michael L John
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  • maria.lindquist (10/24/2016)

    I'm trying to convert a date to a string then grab parts of the string to make a value but it is not working correctly

    Here is my code:

    select externalId1

    , externalId2

    , fund_name

    , fund_externalId1

    , award_paidAmount

    , disbursement_netAmount

    , disbursement_scheduledDate

    , disbursement_createdOn

    , '5' + SUBSTRING(disbursement_scheduledDate,4,1) + SUBSTRING(disbursement_scheduledDate,6,2)

    , disbursement_modifiedOn, award_createdOn, award_modifiedOn

    , case when a.disbursement_adjustedReleaseDate IS NULL then a.disbursement_scheduledDate else a.disbursement_adjustedReleaseDate END AS ScheduledDisbursementDate

    from dbo.dataExtract_AwardDisbursement_View a

    I'm getting this error:

    Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Argument data type datetime is invalid for argument 1 of substring function.

    Care to explain what it is you are trying to accomplish?

  • I'm not 100% sure what you are looking for but It would seem that DATEPART would be your friend as it appears you are trying to grab the year and month from a datetime field.

    Here are some examples...



    @somedate AS myDate,

    DATEPART(year, @somedate) AS justYear,

    DATEPART(month, @somedate) AS justMonth,

    '5' + CAST(DATEPART(year, @somedate) AS VARCHAR(4)) + CAST(DATEPART(month, @somedate) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS endResult

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • YB really hit the nail on the head. Depending on what you're trying to do, the DATEPART function can perform quite well. It's covered in Books Online at

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