• The conversion of the varchar value '7048884212' overflowed an int column.

    Column in question is type "bigint".

    INSERT INTO has this statement in the SELECT clause:

    CONVERT(bigint, IIF(IsNumeric(CALL_ANI)=1,CALL_ANI,0)) AS ANI

    WTF ?

  • Try

    CONVERT(bigint, IIF(IsNumeric(CALL_ANI)=1,CALL_ANI, CAST(0 AS bigint))) AS ANI

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • This worked:

    IIF(IsNumeric(CALL_ANI)=1,CONVERT(bigint,CALL_ANI),0) AS ANI

    Strange, no ?

  • Not really strange as it converts to an int within the IIF before being converted to a bigint.

    I would try a different approach knowing the problems caused by ISNUMERIC[/url].

    CREATE TABLE #TEST( CALL_ANI varchar(10))












    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (9/3/2015)

    Not really strange as it converts to an int within the IIF before being converted to a bigint.

    the problems caused by ISNUMERIC

    No excuse on Microsoft's part....should have been fixed long ago.

    I saw a post on this site where someone created their own "IsBigInt" function.....

    but there was way too much code and therefore overhead for me to want to use it.

    Native functions are likely 10x faster than functions written in T-SQL.

  • mar.ko (9/3/2015)

    Luis Cazares (9/3/2015)

    Not really strange as it converts to an int within the IIF before being converted to a bigint.

    the problems caused by ISNUMERIC

    No excuse on Microsoft's part....should have been fixed long ago.

    I saw a post on this site where someone created their own "IsBigInt" function.....

    but there was way too much code and therefore overhead for me to want to use it.

    Native functions are likely 10x faster than functions written in T-SQL.

    Why should they fix it if it's not broken? It's not an ISINTEGER function, it just tells you if a value is a valid numeric for any of the datatypes available. The article that I linked on my previous post shows a simple validation to check if it's an all-digits string which most of the time would be able to fit a bigint.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Here is that function that I had mentioned in a previous post.....ughhh

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.IsBigInt (@a varchar(30))

    returns bit



    -- Submitted to SqlServerCentral by William Talada


    @s-2 varchar(30),

    @i int,

    @IsNeg bit,

    @valid int

    -- assume the best

    SET @valid = 1

    SET @IsNeg=0

    SET @s-2 = ltrim(rtrim(@a))

    -- strip OFF negative sign

    IF len(@s) > 0

    AND LEFT(@s, 1) = '-'


    SET @IsNeg=1

    SET @s-2 = RIGHT(@s, len(@s) - 1)


    -- strip OFF positive sign

    IF len(@s) > 0

    AND LEFT(@s, 1) = '+'


    SET @s-2 = RIGHT(@a, len(@a) - 1)


    -- strip leading zeros

    while len(@s) > 1 and left(@s,1) = '0'

    set @s-2 = right(@s, len(@s) - 1)

    -- 19 digits max

    IF len(@s) > 19 SET @valid = 0

    -- the rest must be numbers only

    SET @i = len(@s)

    WHILE @i >= 1


    IF charindex(substring(@s, @i, 1), '0123456789') = 0 SET @valid = 0

    SET @i = @i - 1


    -- check range

    IF @valid = 1

    AND len(@s) = 19


    IF @isNeg = 1 AND @s-2 > '9223372036854775808' SET @valid = 0

    IF @IsNeg = 0 AND @s-2 > '9223372036854775807' SET @valid = 0


    RETURN @valid


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