? Convert a Variable''s Output To a Text String

  • I'm wanting to convert Greg's Record Count script to place the output into a fixed table and run the script weekly to monitor record growth. The procedure below creates the SQL -

    INSERT INTO DBMON..Records (RunDate, DB, RecCount, TBName) Select(GetDate(), Ciphr, rows, b.name) FROM Ciphr..sysindexes a , Ciphr..sysobjects b  WHERE a.id = b.id and type='u' AND indid < 2 order by b.name

    The 1st Ciphr in the select statement needs to be in quotes ' '. If I put the additional quotes in the select statement it returns '+ @DB +'

    Thanks in advance for any help


    -- Originally Written By: Greg Larsen

    -- Date: 2/28/2002

    declare @CMD char(2000)

    declare @DB  varchar(14)

    set nocount on

    declare db cursor for

    select name from master..sysdatabases where name = 'Ciphr%'

     open db

    fetch next from db into @db



    --print 'Record Counts for database ' + @DB

    set @CMD = 'INSERT INTO DBMON..Records (RunDate, DB, RecCount, TBName) Select(GetDate(), ' + @DB +', rows, b.name) FROM ' + @DB + '..sysindexes a , ' + @DB + '..sysobjects b ' +

      ' WHERE a.id = b.id and type=''u'' AND indid < 2 order by b.name'

    Print @CMD

    exec (@CMD)

    fetch next from db into @db


    close db

    deallocate db


  • Hello,


    set @CMD = 'INSERT INTO DBMON..Records (RunDate, DB, RecCount, TBName) Select(GetDate(), ''' + @DB +''', rows, b.name) FROM ' + @DB + '..sysindexes a , ' + @DB + '..sysobjects b ' +

      ' WHERE a.id = b.id and type=''u'' AND indid < 2 order by b.name'


  • Thanks Liliana

    That gives me what I thought I needed but when I run it in QA I  get an error - see below

    INSERT INTO DBMON..Records (RunDate, DB, RecCount, TBName) Select(GetDate(), 'Ciphr', rows, b.name) FROM Ciphr..sysindexes a , Ciphr..sysobjects b  WHERE a.id = b.id and type='u' AND indid < 2 order by b.name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ','.

  • Ok, then:

    set @CMD = 'INSERT INTO DBMON..Records (RunDate, DB, RecCount, TBName) Select GetDate(), ''' + @DB +''', rows, b.name FROM ' + @DB + '..sysindexes a , ' + @DB + '..sysobjects b ' +

      ' WHERE a.id = b.id and type=''u'' AND indid < 2 order by b.name'

    without ( ) in SELECT.

  • Sorted !

    I'd still got brackets around the fields in the select statement

    Liliana - I was just typing the above response when I received your latest post.


    Thanks for your help - it works a treat.

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