Connection problems

  • Hi there,

    Previously SQL2005 was running fine on my machine and I usually leave my machine on at all times.

    When I rebooted my machine over the weekend and logged back into windows, I was then unable to connect to the SQL server management studio with the following error being generated...

    I have it already set to allow remote connections

    The only issue I can see is that I can't get the SQL server agent to start...

    My collegue can connect to my server from his machine and likewise I can connec to his instance via my machine. Its just my own instance that I can't connect to for some reason.

    Thanks in advance,


  • sounds like you have a client config issue - either enable your server to use named pipes or force your client to use tcp/ip. I've had problems when limiting a server to tcp/ip , usually allowing named pipes seems to solve the problem - although that's not the answer I agree.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • SSMS is trying to connect using named pipes - but you haven't enabled named pipes (Surface configuration shows TCPIP only enabled). So there seems to be a client config issue. If you want to use named pipes - you should pick the last option in the surface config (TCP/IP+named pipes).

    Also - make sure that your configuration in SQL Server Configuration Manager doesn't have a mismatch (your client protocols should match the server protocols). That includes ports, pipe name, etc... If you've customized the server settings, create an client alias to match the server ports, etc...

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Matt Miller (10/8/2007)

    Also - make sure that your configuration in SQL Server Configuration Manager doesn't have a mismatch (your client protocols should match the server protocols). That includes ports, pipe name, etc... If you've customized the server settings, create an client alias to match the server ports, etc...

    Apologies I'm quite new to this.

    Where abouts can you check this stuff?

    This is what I can see in Configuration Manager...

    And still getting problems starting the service and/or the agent with the following error

    I have now switched remote connections to both TCP/IP and named pipes

    Thanks in advance

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