Connection pool problem SSM2008

  • Hi All,

    I have done some research on this, but have not yet found out how to fix it . In Sql Server manager 2008 i am getting the error :

    timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occured because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

    from my research i have done the following :

    I have checked sp_who2 and found i have 109 connections open over the last couple of days.

    I have checked the admin tools and the "time that unused connections remain in the pool" setting is set to 60 seconds.

    From what i have read I understand that this will mean that its most likely an application problem leaking connections!?

    I can close the connections by shutting down SSMS 2008, but this is a pain in the *** to do everytime this happens.

    i am not sure how i stop this as the only solutions i have found have applied to .net where you specifically close the connections in the code.

    Any help would be MUCH appreciated

    Thank you in advance


  • In the Server properties - Connections you should put 0 and it means unlimited connections in Server!

    Check it!

    After changes you should restart your SQL services!

    Let me know is everything ok!



  • Thanks very much for taking the time to reply.

    I have checked the properties in the server properties and the "maximum number of concurrent connections" is already set to 0.

    Any ideas?

    Even if i did change these settings, surely it should be closing the connections anyway rather than just allowing it to have an unlimited number?

    Many thanks


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