
  • Hi all

    Can anyone please tell me whether we can connect to sql server 2005 express from sql server 2000 enterprise.

    Thanks in Advance


  • You should be able to as long as you have the client drivers installed.

  • am having sql server 2000 enterprise when i tried to connect to sql server 2005 express its showing access denied..

  • How are you trying to make the connection? And have you tried using VBScript to confirm you are able to connect to 2k5 Express?

  • am using sql server 2000 enterprise and am trying to connect to a remote sql server 2005 express getting the error "the server doesnt exists or access denied"..

  • I may just be misunderstanding you, do you mean SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager? If so then no you cannot connect.

    If you mean you are running a query using OPENROWSET or OPENQUERY then again you need to write a small vbscript app to verify you can make a connection outside of SQL Server.

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